Meetup: A UI/UX case study.

Flinn Rodrigues
4 min readNov 10, 2020



Meetup is an app that facilitates get-togethers for a group of friends or colleagues.

Problem Statement:

Getting together is hard because everyone has their own lives. Every time you try to host catch up with your old mates who you don’t get to meet often, you probably had to go through a process of back-and-forth texting, creating groups, group messages, and a lot of convincing and compromising.

…and it goes on and on and on. People have work, lives, and families to be with. Hosting a meetup can be tough sometimes. If the date and place get finalized, convincing everyone is a task.

Users and audience:

A group of friends planning a meetup.

My Role:

I worked on this project as a lead designer.


Time is saved in discussing date, time, and place and making everyone agree.

Story of the problem I faced.

I’ve always been missing my school and college friends recently. Every time I decide to host a meetup, I get demotivated just by the thought of the time I’d waste discussing the date, time, and place and making everyone agree to it. Not everyone agrees to one date, time, and place.

This is when I threw multiple options to them. Just then it became easier for them to choose a date, time, and place.

Having this data was just not enough. I had to collect this data, analyze it and find out for which date, time and place had got the majority thumbs up. This would waste a lot of time and effort.

A single platform having all of these features in one place was just the thing I needed. Such a platform would save me time in convincing, compromising, and investigating for the sweet spot.

The Idea.

Give your guests the freedom to discuss the date and time. Create a mechanism that puts the place and time to a vote. Let them be able to chat and vote for the sweet spot.

The Final Product.

The Onboarding Screens + Login & Signup screens.

Landing page/dashboard: Here the user can view all his upcoming meetups. They can then select a particular date on the calendar to get the details of the meetup as a time chart.

Create a meetup: The host has to create an event by filling a simple form. He can reach this page by clicking the + button on the bottom navigation bar.

The invite what the guests receive: All the guests receive an invite notification to the meetup.

On opening the notification, the guest lands on a page where they can see
1. The details of the invite
2. People attending the meetup so far
3. The voting stats so far
4. A voting poll for the guest to cast their votes
5. A discussion section where everyone can discuss and build excitement for the upcoming event.

The users also get an option to suggest another date and time or even cancel the invite (cannot attend).

At the end of the voting, the date, time, and place with a maximum number of votes is considered as the final result.

Learning and impacts:

As for the design of the project, I’ve understood a lot about what goes into the design. I’ve also improved my decision-making towards typography, color, etc. I’ve also learned a lot on how infographics can facilitate the voter's decisions on what location, time, and place to choose. Designing this app has been a wonderful learning experience.

I really understood what goes into the user experience as well. Brainstorming as to what data is to be shown to the users and in what order, for the perfect experience is something that I’ve improved a lot during this case study.



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